Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Of Stray Cats and Wild Pigs

Well, my thought for today, centers around the UN-DOMESTICATION of animals.

I mentioned in my first attempt to learn how to do this blog stuff, a little about the operation of this modern device or contraption that my wife is trying to get me trained well enough to do the basic functions, like turn it on,(talk about RE-domestication of THIS animal).

I can hear a few of you giggling, from clear down here in the southern Arizona desert. Those who know me a little better, know it is the truth, but this old dog (or fart) is getting closer to spending more time laying around the porch, and may need more than the newspaper to keep what little sanity there may be in this old hard head.

I have come to believe, after a lifetime of daily of news paper reading, that our papers have become a liberal propaganda device. When they used to put a little of my more so called, conservative views in the articles, I could sort out the good from the bad. But, they lost me when they went to being "Obambo's" personal propaganda paper. I can't take the brainwash stuff, (I use this word "stuff", because who knows who may stumble on to this and realize what a redneck I really am).

Well back to the real thoughts of the day, I really think those "word inventors", who I think I might call those "mean little people that make up words", because it appears they make up names to ostracize people they don't like.

This little area of the desert, where we live part of the time, has an over supply of cats, some cats have owners, others have more than one owner or place of residence like our cat, who stays at one of the two neighbors when we are not around. Then there some that are wild cats, these wild ones live where ever and really do a great job of keeping the rodent population down, but no one owns them and they answer to no one.

The truth of this hit me this morning, a domestic cat turned wild, is a feral cat. A domestic pig that gets tired of being fed slop and treated like a pig, breaks out of his pigpen, starts his new life as a feral pig. When he can find a place to live free and start his own little pig country then he, and those who survive on their own are called feral pigs.

I wondered who this guy "Feral" was, and who he upset so much that someone decided that all those undomesticated (wild and free) cats and pigs should be called "feral". I spent most of my working years, dealing with feral homo sapien animals. Some, like me, were only a little feral. We liked both sides of the fence, it was great to tell ourselves we were free, but it felt good to sneak back to the domestic side for some really good slop, and some nice mud to wallow in.

I guess I better not use the obvious name (homo-pig) for fear of someone misconstruing the meaning of homo. It used to be that "homo" was the the first portion of homo sapien.

The ones that went really wild, we let those "mean little word makers" do their thing again. Those less feral were called "different", others "misfits", "wild" used for some, "outlaws" for those that let their "feralness" get way too far across the line.

I better hurry and get my thoughts said, because I may be slipping toward the thinking of those mean little word makers. I just used the word "feralness, and I don't know if there is such a word, but there is now, if there wasn't a few seconds ago.

I think some of what I have been trying to say is, we all seem to develop some undomestic traits, as we stumble through this crazy, ever changing life. We just try not to get too far away from the pen, (or over the line), or we become called outlaws, or worse yet criminals.

This is where I first started with this line of thinking.

I was trying to show what a fine line there is being wild and being a criminal. If the kids of 2009 were to do some of the things we did in the 1970's they would be criminals for life. We have lost all common sense, and let the liberal philosophy go way too far, in its labeling us homo-ferals.

We are ALL a little bit criminal , don't we all break some laws at will? Like speeding when we think we can get off with it, or have a really good excuse?

So, my hope is, we will try to keep our "feralness" between the lines, (or within the limits) and not get labeled outlaws by those "mean little word makers", or in other words those "little" big guys, who think they are in control.

The Ole Fart Cut-N-Wind


mommafar said...

So Kim, I think you and I need to write Dad's (Eddie) biography! I've been thinking about it, and I want to write it for the 10th anniversary of his death, which is a couple years away, but I'd like you to work with me on that, since you know a lot of his stories. I promise, they don't all have to be in the bio, but we need to get them written down at least.

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